Friday 29 May 2009

FQ13: Traumatised Astronauts- Components

Sometimes putting out a comic will be fairly straightforward: You get a good script, you comission the art and it arrives on time. Sometimes you don't get that- which is the subject for a later rant. Sometimes though, you will get a complete surprise- like this time.

Traumatised Astronauts is a fairly straightforward tale. Chris- the writer, had delivered possibly (to now) my favourite script of his, and I wanted an artist who would be able to deliver artwork of sufficient quality to make this look as good as I wanted it to. So I asked Steve Denton. I make no apologies for liking Steve's work- he's a damn fine illustrator and he knows his way around a colour pallette as well. "So what is the point of this?" I hear you mutter?


Take a look at these.

Nifty huh?

These are CG designs for the space station the lead character finds himself working on, and Steve spent so much time on these that the strip had to move issues (originally for 12) to accomodate. It is nice to see that even though the strip wasn't being paid for, Steve still wanted to deliver work that for me is of pro quality. Check out FutureQuake 13 for yourself if you don't believe me.


Michael Moreci said...

Damn those are nice.

Steve Denton said...

Thanks for your kind words about my art skills.

when I showed the issue to a friend she looked at Traumatised astronauts and asked me 'wow, how do you think the artist did that?' with a response like that it was more then worth the time and effort.